Read the text of Yehoshua 7
Bullet Point Summary
Achan from tribe of Yehudah steals the kodesh spoils of war from Yericho.
The city of Ai is spied out for the next battle. Spies come back from Ai reporting that it will be an easy win, and to send a minimal number of soldiers (2,000-3,000.)
After the loss of 36 soldiers, the Jewish soldiers return from Ai, defeated and discouraged. Yehoshua mourns the loss.
Yehoshua davens to Hashem for an explanation of their loss against Ai. Hashem tells Yehoshua to locate the perpetrator who stole the spoils of Yericho.
The leader of each tribe passes by the Aron Hokodesh to identify the tribe.
After that a lottery was drawn to identify the family and person who committed the crime. Achan is confronted and admits to the aveira.
Achan was stoned to death by klal Yisroel.