Yehoshua: Perek 8

Read the text of Yehoshua 8

Bullet Point Summary

Yehoshua Perek 8

  • Hashem assures Yehoshua that Klal Yisroel will defeat Ai in the second battle.

  • Hashem gives the army permission to take from the spoils of war.

  • Hashem commands Yehoshua to stage an ambush on Ai.

  • Yehoshua gathers 30,000 soldiers, and sends 5,000 of them at night to the rear of Ai. The next morning when the king of Ai sees the approaching Jewish soldiers in a frontal attack, he immediately attacks the Jewish army. At that moment, the 5,000 soldiers in the rear position enter Ai, and burn it down, wiping out the entire population (12,000) of Ai.

  • Yehoshua hangs the king of Ai, taking down his body at nightfall.

  • Yehoshua erects an altar and inscribes the entire Torah on the stones.

  • Yehoshua reads the entire Torah to the entire Klal Yisroel as half of them stand on Mount Evel and the other half stand on Mount Grizim.