Yehoshua: Perek 17

Read the text of Yehoshua 17

Bullet Point Summary

Yehoshua Perek 17

  • This perek lists the lineage of Menashe.

  • Bnos Tzlafchad ask Yehoshua and Elazar Hakohen for their inheritance, as promised to them by Moshe, and it is granted to them.

  • This perek also lists all of the inheritance of Efraim.

  • The Bnei Yosef complain that they want more land because of their large population.

  • Yehoshua recommends that they conquer a certain area which will provide Bnei Yosef with more land.

  • Bnei Yosef decline and Yehoshua reiterates his advice.