Yehoshua: Perek 24

Read the text of Yehoshua 24

Bullet Point Summary

Yehoshua Perek 24 (Final Perek)

  • Yehoshua continues to prepare Klal Yisroel for his death.

  • Yehoshua relates the history of Klal Yisroel. He starts with Terach and Avraham, and continues through the miracles of Egypt. Yehoshua ends with the battles in Sefer Yehoshua.

  • Klal Yisroel pledges allegiance to Hashem.

  • Yehoshua tells them that Hashem will not forgive them for serving avodah zarah.

  • Yehoshua writes down the Torah of Moshe, placing it in the Mishkan.

  • Yehoshua departs this world.

  • The bones of Yosef are buried in Sh’chem.

  • Elazar the kohen passes away.