Bullet Point Summary
Shoftim Perek 1
Although Eretz Yisroel was divided amongst the tribes, Eretz Yisroel was still not completely conquered.
After the death of Yehoshua, the Jews asked the Urim V’tumim which tribe should go to war first.
Yehudah, who was selected, asked Shimon to assist him in battle against King Adoni Vezek.
When Adoni Vezek was captured, his thumbs and big toes were severed in accordance with what Adoni Vezek would do to his captured enemies.
Osniel Ben K’naz (Calev’s younger brother) conquered Kiryas Arba.
Osniel Ben K’naz married Achsa (Calev’s daughter). Calev granted Achsa’s request for more fertile land.
Bnei Yoseph came upon the city of Luz and defeated it.
The Navi names the tribes who failed to remove the remaining nations in their portion of land.