Shoftim: Perek 1
Read the text of Shoftim 1
Bullet Point Summary

Shoftim Perek 1

  • Although Eretz Yisroel was divided amongst the tribes, Eretz Yisroel was still not completely conquered.

  • After the death of Yehoshua, the Jews asked the Urim V’tumim which tribe should go to war first.

  • Yehudah, who was selected, asked Shimon to assist him in battle against King Adoni Vezek.

  • When Adoni Vezek was captured, his thumbs and big toes were severed in accordance with what Adoni Vezek would do to his captured enemies.

  • Osniel Ben K’naz (Calev’s younger brother) conquered Kiryas Arba.

  • Osniel Ben K’naz married Achsa (Calev’s daughter). Calev granted Achsa’s request for more fertile land.

  • Bnei Yoseph came upon the city of Luz and defeated it.

  • The Navi names the tribes who failed to remove the remaining nations in their portion of land.