Shoftim: Perek 10

Read the text of Shoftim 10

Bullet Point Summary

Shoftim Perek 10

  • The next judge of the nation was Tolah ben Puah who judged the nation for twenty-three years and was buried in Shamir.

  • Yair Hagiladi came next, and judged the nation for twenty-two years.

  • Yair had thirty sons, thirty horses and thirty cities. The cities were named Chavos Yair.

  • The Jewish people sinned in the eyes of Hashem.

  • Eighteen years of oppression by Bnei Amon and the Plishtim ensued.

  • The nation asked Hashem for forgiveness.

  • Hashem refused their pleas and told them to ask their idols for help now.

  • The nation continued to beg for forgiveness and they removed their idols from their homes.

  • An announcement was made to the people: Whoever will be the first to go to battle against the Bnei Amon will become our leader.