Shoftim: Perek 11

Read the text of Shoftim 11

Bullet Point Summary

Shoftim Perek 11

  • Yiftach is the next shofet (judge.)

  • Yiftach runs away from his brothers who taunted him.

  • The elders locate Yiftach and ask Yiftach to lead the battle against Amon.

  • The elders promise Yiftach that if he is victorious in battle he will be their leader.

  • Yiftach diplomatically sends emissaries to the king of Ammon to inquire why Ammon is oppressing the Jews.

  • Yiftach relates to the emissaries that all of the land that the Jews conquered was conquered in defensive wars.

  • The king of Ammon is indifferent to Yiftach’s explanations.

  • Yiftach makes a vow: If he is victorious in battle against Ammon, then whatever comes through his door first will be offered as a sacrifice to Hashem.

  • Hashem is with Yiftach.

  • Yiftach defeats Ammon in battle.

  • The first thing that comes through Yiftach’s door when he returns from battle is his daughter.

  • He tears his clothes.

  • Yiftach’s daughter requests two months in the mountains to mourn over the fact that she never married.

  • Yiftach keeps his vow.

Many commentators explain that Yiftach built a secluded house in which his daughter would live as a means of keeping his vow. This way his daughter would be dedicated solely to Hashem.