Read the text of Shoftim 13
Bullet Point Summary
Shoftim Perek 13
The Plishtim oppressed Yisrael for forty years.
An angel appeared to the wife of Manoach.
The angel told her that she would finally be blessed with a child after many years of not having been able to have children.
The angel warned the wife of Manoach not to eat anything impure, nor drink wine. The child would be a Nazir.
Manoach expressed a desire to see the angel and confirm the news that was delivered to his wife.
Manoach brought a sacrifice after hearing the good news.
Manoach and his wife understood that they had indeed spoken to angel, and not to a “man of G-d” as they had originally thought.
Manoach’s wife calmed Manoach down.
The baby Shimshon was born.