Read the text of Shoftim 15
Bullet Point Summary
Shoftim Perek 15
Shimshon remembers his wife.
Shimshon is denied access to her by his father in-law, who offers Shimshon a younger daughter instead.
Shimshon sends three hundred foxes with lit torches tied between their tails into the Plishti town in order to burn it down.
The Plishtim respond by going to war against the tribe of Yehudah.
Yehudah responds, saying that they will hand Shimshon over to them.
Three thousand men of Yehudah speak to Shimshon about what is happening.
Shimshon consents to being tied up with ropes and handed over to the Plishtim.
Shimshon destroys the ropes that bind him and he kills one thousand Plishtim with the jawbone of a donkey.
Hashem performs a miracle that the donkey’s jawbone gave forth water to revive the thirsty and weakened Shimshon.
Shimshon is the judge of the Jews for 20 years.