Shoftim: Perek 17

Read the text of Shoftim 17

Bullet Point Summary

Shoftim Perek 17

  • Micha’s mother is angered after realizing that her money was stolen and she places a curse on the thief.

  • Micha admits to stealing his mother’s 1,100 silver coins.

  • His mother blesses Micha in order to counteract the curse that she had put on “whoever” stole the money.

  • His mother hands the money back to Micha and presses him to use the money to make an idol.

  • Micha refuses and his mother reiterates her advice to create an idol with the silver coins.

  • Micha’s mother took the silver coins on her own to a silversmith who made an idol for her.

  • Micha took the idol, opened a house for idol worship, and trained his own son to be the kohen.

  • A man from the tribe of Levi showed up looking for work, and, after deliberation, accepted the job offer to work for Micha as a kohen.

  • The Levi was hired to be the kohen at Micha’s house of idols.

  • Micha understood the appearance of the Levi, who joined his ranks, to be a sign of Hashem’s approval, since a real kohen comes from the tribe of Levi.