Read the text of Shoftim 18
Bullet Point Summary
Shoftim Perek 18
The tribe of Dan sent five spies to spy out the land that they wished to conquer for themselves.
The five spies spent the night at Micha’s house of idols and inquired whether or not they would be victorious over the city of Layish.
While at Micha’s house they recognized the Levi working as the kohen. The five spies engaged the Levi in conversation about his personal motives for working there.
The five spies proceeded to spy on the innocent, peaceful land of Layish, and deemed it fit for conquering.
They relate the good news to the rest of the tribe of Dan.
Enroute to Layish for battle, six hundred soldiers from Dan stop at Micha’s house.
They seize Micha’s idols, as well as convince the Levi, (Micha’s kohen,) to leave Micha and join them.
Micha confronts the soldiers, arguing that they have left him with nothing.
The soldiers from Dan are unsympathetic to Micha and threaten his life. Micha returns home.
The soldiers defeat Layish, and Dan settles in the weak town.
Micha’s idol (pesel Micha) was accepted amongst the members of Dan for many generations.