Read the text of Shoftim 20
Bullet Point Summary
Shoftim Perek 20
After seeing the body of the pilegesh b’Giv’ah the rest of Yisrael was horrified and wanted to know how it had happened.
The Levite related the entire story that had happened in Giv’ah.
Yisrael was united in their demand that Binyamin should hand over the perpetrators to be put to death.
Binyamin refused to do so.
Yisrael asked the Urim V’tumim who should go to battle against Binyamin first.
A civil war ensued.
Yisrael lost 30,000 lives in the two days after consulting the Urim V’tumim twice.
The Urim V’tumim was consulted a third time regarding whether or not the war should be fought at all. Hashem responded that Yisrael would win.
25,100 members of Binyamin were lost in battle.
The cities of Binyamin were burned to the ground.