Shoftim: Perek 19

Read the text of Shoftim 19

Bullet Point Summary

Shoftim Perek 19

Friends, all words written/recorded about this perek are meant with the utmost sensitivity to our readers and Chazal. There are many delicate details that need be understood in the light of Chazal. It is beyond the scope of these summaries to delve into all the fine details that need be understood. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

  • In those days there was no king of Yisrael.

  • A man from shevet Levi tormented his pilegesh, (concubine) forcing her to return to her father’s home.

  • Four months later, the Levite man returned to his father-in-law’s home to reclaim his pilegesh.

  • The father-in-law convinced the Levite man to stay for an additional five days, and he served him a feast.

  • The Levite left for home with his pilegesh, attendant, and two donkeys.

  • As sundown approached, the attendant asked to stay at the closer town of Y’vus, but the Levite refused, preferring to stay with other Jews.

  • The Levite reached the courtyard in Giv’ah, located in the portion of the tribe of Binyamin, at sundown.

  • An elderly man appeared and offered the Levite lodging for the night. (Only lodging, but no food, as the Levite had all the necessary provisions.)

  • A mob from Giv’ah demanded that the elderly man send out the Levi for intimacy.

  • The elderly man sent out his daughter, instead, but the mob refused to accept her. Then the Levite sent out his pilegesh to satisfy the mob, and then he hid for his life.

  • The next morning the pilegesh was found dead on the doorstep.

  • Upon returning home, the Levite cut up the pilegesh and sent pieces of her body to the twelve tribes.

  • All who heard the story were appalled and astounded.