Shoftim: Perek 21

Read the text of Shoftim 21

Bullet Point Summary

Shoftim Perek 21 – Final Perek… You did it!

  • After the civil war with Binyamin, Yisrael mourned and did teshuvah over the almost complete decimation of Binyamin.

  • An oath was made not to allow any female of Yisrael marry any man from Binyamin.

  • There were many survivors in Binyamin after the war, but there weren’t enough women for all of them to be able to marry and perpetuate future generations of Binyamin.

  • Yisrael went to war against the members of Yavesh Gil’ad for not coming when called to battle.

  • The order was given not to harm any of the single women of Yavesh Gil’ad and to give them to the remaining members of Binyamin as wives.

  • But more women were needed to perpetuate the future generations of Binyamin.

  • At the annual festival that was held in Shiloh, the members of Binyamin watched the single women dance in the fields and they selected wives from among those women.