Read the text of Shoftim 4
Bullet Point Summary
Shoftim Perek 4
The Jewish people abandoned Hashem and were oppressed by Yavin, king of Chatzor.
Devorah, the judge, called upon her husband Barak to save the Jewish people from General Sisra.
Barak accepted the challenge on the condition that Devorah would go to war with him.
Devorah agreed, but told Barak that it would be dishonorable for a female to win the war for him.
Barak gathered 10,000 men from the tribes of Zevulun and Naftali.
Barak destroyed Sisra’s army, as well as nine hundred iron chariots.
Sisra fled on foot and took refuge in the tent of Yael.
Yael fed the famished and exhausted Sisra.
Yael then killed Sisra by driving a tent peg through his head while he was sleeping.
Barak came to Yael and saw Sisra dead.
The war was won.