Read the text of Shoftim 7
Bullet Point Summary
Shoftim Perek 7
Gideon gathers 32,000 Jews for battle.
Hashem tells Gideon that there are too many people for battle.
Hashem helps Gideon narrow the number down.
Gideon makes an announcement: Whoever is scared of going into battle may go home. 22,000 people leave.
Gideon further narrows down the number of soldier’s necessary.
Whoever drinks from the river while kneeling gets sent home. The kneeling is an indication of idol worship, rendering those who did so unfit for battle.
Whoever laps the water from the river may stay to go to battle.
Three hundred men stay.
Gideon goes down to the Midyan camp at night. Gideon hears a man relating a dream that he had had regarding the victory that would be won by Gideon.
Gideon instructs the three hundred soldiers to take shofars, torches and empty jugs for war.
The three hundred soldiers are split into three groups.
Two Midyan leaders, Orev and Z’ev, are killed.
Gideon and his army are victorious.