Read the text of Shoftim 8
Bullet Point Summary
Shoftim Perek 8
The men of the tribe of Ephraim complained harshly to Gideon for not having summoned them to battle.
Gideon responds by telling them to be grateful for what he had accomplished.
The Jews of Sukkot and P’nuel deny rations to Gideon’s army.
Gideon kills the Jews of Sukkot and P’nuel.
Two Midyan kings are captured and killed.
Gideon commands his son Yesser to kill the two kings, but Yesser fears to do so. Gideon kills the two Midyan kings himself.
The Jewish people wish to make Gideon their leader, but
Gideon refuses to accept the leadership role of the Jewish nation.
Gideon makes an ephod out of the golden nose rings that the Jews had amassed in the Midyan battles.
The ephod becomes a source of idol worship for the Jewish people.
Gideon returns home and sires seventy sons, plus another son named Avimelech.
Gideon dies.
The land is tranquil for forty years.
Then the Jewish nation returns to idol worship.