Shoftim: Perek 8

Read the text of Shoftim 8

Bullet Point Summary

Shoftim Perek 8

  • The men of the tribe of Ephraim complained harshly to Gideon for not having summoned them to battle.

  • Gideon responds by telling them to be grateful for what he had accomplished.

  • The Jews of Sukkot and P’nuel deny rations to Gideon’s army.

  • Gideon kills the Jews of Sukkot and P’nuel.

  • Two Midyan kings are captured and killed.

  • Gideon commands his son Yesser to kill the two kings, but Yesser fears to do so. Gideon kills the two Midyan kings himself.

  • The Jewish people wish to make Gideon their leader, but

  • Gideon refuses to accept the leadership role of the Jewish nation.

  • Gideon makes an ephod out of the golden nose rings that the Jews had amassed in the Midyan battles.

  • The ephod becomes a source of idol worship for the Jewish people.

  • Gideon returns home and sires seventy sons, plus another son named Avimelech.

  • Gideon dies.

  • The land is tranquil for forty years.

  • Then the Jewish nation returns to idol worship.