Read the text of Yehoshua 2
Bullet Point Summary
Yehoshua Perek 2
Yehoshua sends two spies, Calev and Pinchas, to determine the best way to conquer Yericho.
The two spies go Rachav’s house.
Rachav hides Calev and Pinchas under two hay stacks on the roof and diverts the soldiers who had come looking for the Jewish spies to the wrong direction. .
After hearing about the miracles that Hashem had done for Klal Yisroel Rachav says that she would like to join Klal Yisroel. Rachav also asks that her family be saved from the oncoming attack.
The spies promise Rachav that as long as she ties a scarlet string around her home, the lives of anyone in the home will be spared.
The spies return and report good news about being able to conquer Yericho.