Zechariah 1

Read the text of Zechariah 1


Zechariah Perek 1

Zechariah receives a prophecy to urge the nation to do teshuvah.

Hashem says, “If you return to Me, then I will return to you.”

Zechariah tells the nation not to follow in the ways of their evil ancestors.

“The way you treat Hashem is the way Hashem will treat you. Therefore, you should follow in His ways before you die.”

Zechariah receives another vision of a man on a red horse holding myrtle branches, with white horses in the background.

Zechariah engaged in conversation with the man on the red horse. Through the conversation emerges the fact that Zechariah was really looking at angels who roam the earth.

One of the angels told Zechariah that Hashem will take revenge on the nations of the world for Yerushalayim.

There will come a day, when Mashiach arrives, that God’s cities Yerushalayim and Tzion will be filled with people, and will swell with blessing.