Zechariah 12

Read the text of Zechariah 12


Zechariah Perek 12

This perek is a prophecy about the time of the final redemption.

Zechariah speaks about God’s greatness and omnipotence.

God will protect Yerushalayim and punish the nations of the world.

Yerushalayim will be like poison to the nations of the world.

On that day Yerushalayim will turn into a heavy stone for Yisrael’s enemies. Whoever touches it will be severely injured.

On that day Gd will watch over Yerushalayim and the house of Judah.

The leaders of Yehudah will see how God has protected Yerushalayim and will feel empowered to fight Hashem’s war.

On that day, Gd will make the leaders of Yehuda like a bonfire that will burn up any enemies that step in its way, just like trees.

On that day, the weakest of members of Yisrael will be as strong as Dovid Hamelech!

The Navi describes how there will be national mourning and lamentation in Eretz Yisrael for all the people who had died during the war of Gog uMagog.