Zechariah 13

Read the text of Zechariah 13


Zechariah Perek 13

In the time of Mashiach, healing waters will emanate from beneath the Temple Mount.

On that day God will remove all false ideologies and idols.

There will never again be false prophets.

Anyone who claims to have prophecy in the name of another god will be killed by one’s own parents because it will be so self-evident that the claim is fraudulent.

People who deliver false prophecies will be covered in wounds and it will therefore be evident that their prophecies are fake.

In the days of Mashiach the sword of a man who claims He’s God’s shepherd will be raised. Malbim explains that this man refers to Mohammad and the nation of Yishmael, who will claim that God has sent Mohammad to rule over the entire world.

Death will be so prevalent that one third of the world’s population will die.

Hashem will purify the remaining population, like a goldsmith purifies gold. (Most meforshim explain that this refers to Am Yisrael whom Hashem will protect at the end of days.)

“You will be My people and I will be your God.”