Zechariah 14

Read the text of Zechariah 14


Zechariah Perek 14 – You finished!

Note: we will be starting Malachi, the last of the Trey Asar and the end of Nevi’im in the next shiur!

This perek is another prophecy about the war of Gog u’Magog and the final redemption.

The ‘ultimate day’ will be special to God and He will return all of the stolen possessions of Yisrael that were taken from them throughout the exile. (Rashi and Metsudos)

A great war will take place in Yerushalayim.

God will reveal Himself and fight the battle for His nation.

On that day, Har Hazaisim, the Mount of Olives, will split open, and one will be able to run through it. Meforshim explain that Bnei Yisrael will run away just like they did when they left Egypt and Hashem split the sea for them.

Then Hashem will protect them with ‘holy beings’. The meforshim explain that the Divine presence and all the holy angels that are in Yerushalayim will actually come and help Yisrael in battle, and protect them.

Healing waters will emerge from the Temple Mount, as described in Yechezkel 47.

“And God will be king of the entire earth. On that day God will be one and His name will be one.”

A horrible plague will come upon the nations of the world who tried to harm Yerushalayim. Their flesh, eyes and tongues will begin to rot.

Sukkos time there will be a universal pilgrimage to Eretz Yisrael.

The entire world will come to greet and bow to Mashiach annually.

Any nation that fails to show up will be punished by God.

Yerushalayim will become the world center for serving God.