Zechariah 3

Read the text of Zechariah 3


Zechariah Perek 3

Note: For further information please listen to NachDaily Audio

Zechariah sees a vision of Yehoshua ben Yehotzedek being prosecuted by the Satan. Rashi explains: The Satan came to prosecute Yehoshua because he didn’t rebuke his children for marrying gentiles, as described in Ezra 10:18.

God silences the Satan.

An angel demands that Yehoshua’s dirty clothing be removed and replaced with clean clothes. This represents the cleaning of Yehoshua’s sins.

The angel testifies that if Yehoshua keeps the commandments and follows in God’s ways then Yehoshua will be permitted to walk amongst the angels.

Zechariah engraved a picture of seven eyes on a rock. Radak and Metsudos explain that this represents how God will watch over the Beis Hamikdash, which was made of stone.