Zechariah 4

Read the text of Zechariah 4


Zechariah Perek 4

For further information on this perek listen to NachDaily Audio

An angel appears to Zechariah and wakes him up from his sleep.

The angel asks Zechariah what he sees.

Zechariah replies that he sees a golden menorah with a bowl on top. It has seven lamps and each lamp contains seven pipes. Near it are two olives trees, to the right and left of the bowl.

Zechariah then questions the angel about what he is seeing.

The angel tells him “You certainly do know!” to which Zechariah retorts “No, I don’t know!”

Note: Alshich Hakdosh explains: The menorah represents Am Yisrael at the time of the final redemption. Just as the seven lamps are joined at one base, so too Am Yisrael will be completely united. People will put aside their differences and all will get along. The gold of the menorah represents the pure state that Yisrael will be in. The bowl represents the crown of Mashiach and the seven lamps represent the three Avos and four Emahos.

Zechariah then asks the angel “What are the two olive trees on the right and left side of the menorah? What are the two clusters of olives inside the two golden flasks that are pouring out?

The angel replies “You already know!”

Zecharah then replies “No I don’t!” to which the angel responds “They are the two anointed ones who attend the Master of the earth.”