Zechariah 5

Read the text of Zechariah 5


Zechariah Perek 5

Note #1: These are just the dry facts. For further information listen to NachDaily Audio.

Note #2: the Radak on pasuk gimmel explains that the scroll seen in this perek was indeed the same scroll that Yechezkel had seen. This scroll contained descriptions of the suffering and tragedies of the nation. Yechezkel was able to make out what was written on it and actually read it and Zechariah wasn’t able to. The reason that Zechariah wasn’t able to read the letters on the scroll indicates that prophecy was winding down and was no longer as strong and clear as it had been in generations past. Indeed, prophecy ended with Zechariah, Chaggai and Malachi, which is the reason that the prophecies contained in Zechariah are more cryptic and obscure than the rest of the Navi.

Zechariah looked up and saw a flying scroll.

The angel asked Zechariah what he sees.

Zechariah responded that he can see a scroll that is ten cubits long and twenty cubits wide.

The angel proceeded to tell Zechariah what was written on the scroll.

One side of the scroll contained all of the curses that would come upon someone who steals, while the other side contained the curses on someone who swears falsely in Hashem’s name.

Hashem then declares, “I’ve taken the scroll out and the curse will come to the home of whoever steals or swears falsely in My name.”

The angel spoke again and showed Zechariah another image.

Zechariah again asked what he was being shown.

The angel replied that it’s an eifa measurement, which is the eyes of the world.

A lead weight was being lifted and a woman was sitting on the eifa measurement.

The angel told Zechariah that the woman is “evil”.

He then proceeded to push into the opening of the eifa measurement and threw the lead weight on top of the woman.

“Then I looked up again and saw two women appearing with the wind in their wings – they had wings like the wings of a stork – and they suspended the eifa measure between earth and heaven.”

The angel told Zechariah that the woman was being brought to her permanent home in Shinar.