Zechariah 8

Read the text of Zechariah 8


Zechariah perek 8

This perek is about the time and process of the final redemption.

Hashem is going to avenge Tzion.

God is going to restore His presence in Yerushalayim.

There is going to come a time when old men and women will fill the streets of Yerushalayim.

The old men will have canes in their hands.

The streets of Yerushalayim will be filled with boy and girls laughing in her streets!

Note: These are one of the signs of the final redemption. Thank you Hashem. No matter where you look in Yerushalayim you see young children laughing and elderly men walking with canes filling the streets of Yerushalayim, just as Zechariah prophesied over 2,000 years ago!

Hashem will return His people from the east and the west.

There will be in an ingathering of the exiles.

Whoever builds the third Beis Hamikdash will need to be strong and courageous.

Am Yisrael will give blessings to the nations of the world.

Eventually, at the end of the final redemption God is going to abolish all of the current fast days. The fast days will turn into happy days.

During the time of Mashiach the gentiles will want to come and pray at the Beis Hamikdash on the temple mount.

Each Jew will have 2,800 gentiles holding on to the corner of his tzitzis. (Rashi)