Zechariah 9

Read the text of Zechariah 9


Zechariah Perek 9

The boundaries of Eretz Yisrael will expand in the time of Mashiach.

Tyre, Ashkelon, Gaza and Ekron will all fear God.

Gaza will no longer have a king and Ashkelon will be deserted.

A stranger will come from Ashdod. He will have blood in his mouth but will eventually come to Hashem. He will be like a chief of Judah. (Rashi explains: The stranger from Ashdod with blood in his mouth is a reference to the Plishtim who are soaked in blood from Idol worship. They, too, will come close to Hashem and recognize God as Master of the World.)

God will protect the armies of Yisrael, because God has seen what has happened to His nation.

Yerushalayim should sing and be happy!

Mashiach is going to be a humble man riding on a donkey. (most meforshim.)

“I will remove all of the enemies of Yisrael and Mashiach.”

War will be unnecessary. Mashiach will speak words of peace to all the nations.

Mashiach will rules over the entire world.

All imprisoned people will be set free. God will reveal Himself like a flash of lightning.

The shofar will be blown.

God will tend to His lost sheep, Yisrael, like crown jewels.